Can I add items to my order?

If you found another awesome item after placing your order and want to add it to your order, here's how to do it!
While we’re unable to add any items to an order once an order is submitted, there's no need to fret! You can place a new order for the extra items and then contact our Help Team with your new order number.

We can refund the shipping on the additional order so you don’t have to pay for shipping twice. Keep in mind, that only regular shipping methods are eligible: Postal for domestic and Standard shipping for international orders. 

If you’d rather have everything in one order, you may be able to cancel the order and resubmit it with the additional items. You can find out if your order is processing by checking it through the  Order Status page. If it’s not processing, you’ll see the option to cancel. You’ll be refunded in full and then be able to resubmit an order with all your Threadless goodies! 

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