Why does my order have more than one order number?
Each order placed has at least two different numbers- one is your order number and the other is your shipment number(s).
Because we have printing locations all around the US, your order may be shipped in one or multiple shipments. If your order is shipped in one shipment, you'll have one order number and one shipment number. If your order is shipped in multiple shipments, you will have one order number plus one shipment number for each shipment. The order number is the number in your order confirmation email and references the whole purchase. The shipment number, which is found in your shipping confirmation email, references just that shipment.
If you are checking your Order Status, be sure to use your order number found in your order confirmation email.
For support inquiries, our Help team can locate your order information using your order or shipment number so you can use either number when emailing about your order.