Why didn't I get an order confirmation email?
Each time you order, you'll receive an order confirmation email as soon as your order is placed. It will look a little something like this:
If you haven't received any email updates about your order, it is likely the emails were marked as spam. Some email providers may mark our emails as spam or completely block them. Be sure to check your spam folder for emails about your order and make sure to add Threadless to your safe list. While we aren't able to resend your email confirmation, you may check your Order Status or contact our Help team with your name and email address used to place the order and we can confirm the order for you.
You'll also receive a shipping notification when the shipment(s) in your order is shipped. If you haven't received your shipping confirmation email, it is possible your order hasn't shipped yet. Check the processing time for your order in the order confirmation email to determine when it should be sent out. Typically, it takes about 2 to 5 business days for your order to ship, but it may take longer during peak times, sales, and promos. If your order is past the stated processing time, contact our Help team and we can confirm the ship date for your order or see why your order is delayed.